Audio Production

We at Trethwest provide a diverse array of musical production styles for your needs. Whether it's interactive games, advertisements, podcasts, and shows or films, we service a unique fusion style of music that ranges from classic soul to boom-bap hip hop and from bluesy-folk to contemporary lo-fi jazz/funk. Lo-fi instrumentals are a particular favourite of ours. The lush, spacey, and soulful soundscapes we specialize in, give equal attention to melody, rhythm, and composition. Unassuming hypnotic melodies with the aid of acoustic instrumental rhythmic elements that have lo-fi sensibilities are our modus operandi. We love creating soundscapes with life, emotion, and soul, the antithesis of elevator music for Millennials and Gen Zers who travel by way of fiber optic cables, and not elevator shafts.

Our music in of itself can be a compelling narrative tool which can provide your content, videos, podcasts...whatever it maybe with life. And we have the perfect musical language to convey your story. Everything sounds better to music! Case in point:


But enough talking, sample our work below!

Lofi Instrumentals

Video Game / Podcast / Documentary Music